Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Acne-Make it go away completely.

Acne is a terrible disease but it is treatable, there is help so don't despair. Firstly you should always seek the advice of a medical professional, a doctor or dermatologist, for example. There is much you can do your self,

The most basic way to help your self in the treatment of acne is cleanliness. Many of the general over the counter products are cleansers but some times there is no substitute for good old fashioned soap and water. You should choose a mild, oil free soap, gentle cleansing is the key. If you can prevent acne from appearing in the first place you are way ahead of the disease. You need to prevent the clogging of the oil glands and skin pores, regular washing, showering and cleansing will be one of your greatest allies in the fight against acne. Exfoliating the skin is also recommended.

One can buy more specialized acne skin care products over the counter, these again are usually cleansers in some shape or form and also creams or lotions that combat the bacteria that cause and spread acne. As with any medicine you should talk to a medically qualified person to discuss what works best for you so there may be a degree of experimentation.

Your doctor or health professional may recommend prescription products, for example, ointments or antibiotics and in extreme cases minor surgery may be called for to remove puss from an area that could lead to a much worse condition or infection. Never under any circumstances try to squeeze spots this can cause deeper infection and may cause permanent scarring. A course of hormonal treatment may be prescribed by your doctor as changes in hormone levels are known to cause acne this is why so many teenagers suffer with the disease.

Unless your symptoms are severe, treatment of acne is quite straight forward. Rigidly stick to your daily cleansing routine and be aware what you wear and of what comes in contact with your skin throughout the day.

There is a wealth of information on the Internet, search out forums where you will find other sufferers of acne who can reassure you and tell of their experiences and how they combated acne and how once again life can be normal.

Remember you must always seek professional medical help rather than self diagnosis, once you have the correct diagnosis of your condition you can move forward to a more comfortable life, acne free.


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