Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Care Of Aging Skin

As we get older as with the rest of our body the skin becomes less tolerant of the world around it. With all the other symptoms that come with the aging process such as, balding, hearing loss, failing eye-sight, senior moments ( why did I come into the kitchen? ), the skin looses its elasticity and becomes wrinkled and we start to look old.

Grow old gracefully, I say, but as we get older we must start to treat our body's with respect and that includes the skin particularly as this is your outward image. Care of aging skin is about what goes on on the inside too so a balanced diet is important. Eat plenty of fruit, drink plenty of water and avoid stress.

Hopefully we have looked after our skin earlier in life, there is no magical remedy now that old age is creeping on. You must adopt a skin care routine in the same way as you did when you were younger.

As I said before, the most obvious sign the skin exhibits is it becomes wrinkled because of the loss of elasticity, there are many products on the market that can help reduce wrinkles so do your research both in the shops and on the Internet. Know your skin type before using any product and always read the label, all common sense really.

Protect your skin from the sun by using a good quality sunscreen or sun block. Keep your skin free from dirt and grease. Regularly moisturize to stop your skin drying out, yes all the things you should have been doing when you were younger.

Aging is a natural process and it will happen to us all, so all we can do is delay or sometimes hide the outward signs, there is nothing anyone can do to prevent aging. We can try to hang on to our "youth full" looks for as long as possible by using lotions and potions but very often we have to thank our parents for the way we look.

Keeping active, eating and sleeping well are the keys to a healthy mind and body, this of course includes the skin.

Remember that should you have any concerns about aging skin care seek the advice of a medical professional or a dermatologist. There is a wealth of information on the Internet and there are many forums that are dedicated to health and aging where you will be able to connect with others to discuss aging skin care and other issues that may concern you.


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