Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Facial Skin Care - The Facts

You need to be quite regimented when it comes to facial skin care. Get in to a routine and stick to it. The five main areas of facial skin care can be categorized as follows :-

• Cleansing
• Toning
• Exfoliating
• Moisturizing
• Protection

Cleansing :

First and foremost is cleansing. It sounds like stating the obvious but state it I will. Removing the days dirt, grease , sweat and air pollution from your skin will help prevent damage and infection. Use a mild oil free soap or cleansing lotion and a cotton wool pad and dab, not rub. Cleansing is best done in the morning and at night as part of your routine. Always use a preparatory make-up remover this can be more efficient than using soap and water.

Toning :

The next part of your facial skin care routine is called toning, this is really an extension to cleansing. You really only need to do this extra cleansing occasionally when you have perhaps taken part in an activity or been in an environment that has made you dirtier or sweatier than usual.

Exfoliation :

You needn't exfoliate daily. Weekly or maybe twice a week depending on what your skin has been through all week. We all naturally loose skin cells, its part of being human. Skin cells die its actually what makes up most of the dust around the house, however , some of the dead skin cells need help, this where exfoliation comes in. The act of exfoliation is abrasive on the skin so you need to be careful to not cause damage to healthy living skin.

Moisturizing :

Moisturizing is probably the most important part of your daily facial skin care routine. Moisturizing your skin will prevent it from becoming dry, particularly after all the dirt, grease and oil have been removed during your cleansing routine. Dry skin can lead to all sorts of problems, for example, cracking. Cracking of the skin can lead to soreness and possible infection. Apply your moisturizer when the skin is slightly damp and not when the skin is cold. Using a gentle upward motion, as with cleansing, apply your moisturizer.

Protection :

Before using any product on your skin, testing the product on a small unseen area is advisable. Know your skin type before choosing the products you intend to use. Always use a good quality sunscreen or better still sun block if you intend to spend some time outside, the sun can be very damaging to the skin so it is very important to protect against its rays. Always read the label of any product for applying it to your skin.


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